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How to Work With Me

The Missing Link to Performance is Mental Education

Don't Let Your MIND Be the Thing That Holds You Back From Being the Best Version of Yourself!

How We Can Work Together

DIY Courses

Access our Virtual Learning Vault where you can find on-demand options to unlock the path to healthier daily habits, deeper self-understanding, better communication, stronger relationships, and achieving your biggest goals without neglecting your mental health. The Missing Link to Performance is Mental Education. o do what you have never done before you must first learn what you have never understood!

1:1 Coaching

Prioritizing your mental health is essential. In our 1:1 coaching sessions, we'll focus on integrating sustainable mental health practices into your daily routine.  Embrace a journey of growth and empowerment with expert coaching that's been described as the best investment ever made in personal development. Coaching offers transformative experiences that are invaluable and life-changing.                            

Corporate Consulting

Take control of the influence your leaders provide by helping them create and implement daily habits that establish the results your company wants. When it comes to mental health, your team deserves to be informed and inspired. As an experienced presenter, I provide dynamic presentations and workshops uniquely tailored to each audience that not only keep people engaged, but inspire them to take action in their lives.


Some of the most successful, wealthy people in the world are miserable. True wealth stems from being connected to and guided by your OWN inner knowing. But that comes with first un-learning all of the ways you've been taught out of your own physiology and intuition. This transformative experience empowers you to become more educated and attuned, enhancing both body and mind for optimal performance and a longer, healthier life.            

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We All Have Sh!t. Ready to Deal With Yours?

If you want to change your life, you’ve got to be willing to get uncomfortable. I’ll give you the knowledge and tools you need to thrive while holding you accountable to shifting your daily habits so you can step into your greatest self.



Rewire Leaders' Brains

Take control of the influence your leaders provide by helping them create and implement daily habits that establish the results your company wants. With my one-on-one guidance and the support of a like-minded community of other leaders on the path to improvement, we’ll face their biggest challenges head-on — creating a personalized roadmap to a more balanced life,  creating the skills to master more impactful relationships, and hardwire the achievement of goals both personally and professionally


Corporate Consulting

Burnout costs companies billions of dollars a year. Take a proactive approach to your employees’ wellness by integrating preventative mental health systems that will not only make your workplace more productive and positively impact your bottom line, but also create a healthier, happier environment for all.

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Speaking Engagements & Workshops

Need an engaging speaker or workshop facilitator who’s also a mental health expert? You just found her. As a coach and former therapist who’s also an experienced presenter, I can present a talk or interactive workshop that’s tailored to the unique challenges and goals of your team WITHOUT it feeling like just another dreaded "Wellness Workshop". My current workshops include, but are not limited to:

  • VisionBossing: Harnessing Neuroscience to Achieve Big Goals

  • Improving Workplace Communication: Mastering Hard Conversations 

  • Optimizing Office Dynamics: Improve Teamwork and Culture

  • Understanding & Preventing Burnout Through Micro-habits

  • The Psychology of Sales: Understanding Emotion to Close

Virtual Learning Vault

Courses + 1:1 Coaching Services for Individuals

The Missing Link to Performance is Mental Education


Corporate Services for Leaders + Teams

Is Self Care a priority this year?

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Our most valuable asset in life is not status or income...


Check your inbox for your welcome letter! letter!

You are meant for more

  • You’re succeeding at work, but it feels like your personal life is suffering for it


  • You have outgrown your social circle and need a new network to help challenge you 


  • You feel burnt out trying to balance work, family, and your own well-being


  • You don’t feel as fulfilled by your own success as you think you “should”


  • You feel isolated trying to keep all your plates spinning without letting anyone see you sweat


  • You fear that one misstep is potentially around every corner, which will crumble everything you've built 


  • Your bucket list is growing even longer than your to-do list and you can't imagine when you'll find the time to commit to doing either 


  • You feel overwhelmed at the idea of reaching the next level and you know you're holding yourself back.

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Your legacy is written through your ability to create lasting fulfillment. 

After 5+ years of helping business owners create better balance, better health, better connection, and better business, I know this to be true: 


Anyone can learn the same formula, strategies,  and tactics for creating success and making money, but none of it matters without first mastering YOU


Some of the most successful, wealthy people in the world are miserable. 

True wealth stems from being connected to and guided by your OWN inner knowing. But that comes with first un-learning all of the ways you've been taught out of your own physiology and intuition.

The 4 Pillars of Fundamental Wealth

Fine Tune Your Focus  Enhance your concentration and productivity with proven methods. Fine-tune your focus and achieve your

Client Testimonials

Nervous System Regulation  Master techniques to calm and regulate your nervous system, reducing stress and improving overall
"Working with Lindsey changed my life! Lindsey’s professional experience and approach made the process easy to adapt to, learn from and grow from. I am proud of the work we did together and I know for a fact that I would be in a much different place mentally without her help."

Debi Kinney, Founder of Hello Coaching

Fundamental Wealth Mastermind is designed to help you

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